Thursday, September 11, 2008

"At Ole Miss, the Tailgaters Never Lose"

I really enjoyed reading this story. It was entertaining and related close to home so it kept your attention and made you want to read more. In paragraph ten when they discuss the dress of the people it reminded me of what I actually see at the Auburn tailgates. You see the girls that are trying way to hard to be cute in that hot weather and then you see the one who look like they just rolled out of bed. Also I liked paragraph 21 talking about the red cups. It completely describes how tailgates really are. All you see are red solo cups whether they have water or beer in them. Wherever I am whenever I see these cups it reminds me of tailgating or parties. When the people started yelling the cheer back to the boy in paragraphs 16-17 it reminded me of when we're sitting in the student section at an Auburn football screaming at the top of our lungs back at the cheerleaders. Overall this passage is amusing to read and keeps the reader interested throughout its entirety.


Stephanie said...

I completely agree with Lindsay on almost all of this. I have to say that I have worn a dress to the last two home games, and I think I have basically decided that I will be wearing shorts to this game! Also, the part about the solo cups is completely true. Every where you go you will always see solo cups! Not always positive what is in these cups, but they are everywhere.

Tricia said...

I agree with Lindsay on what she said about "At Ole Miss, the Tailgaters Never Lose". No matter what you were, by the end of the day , you will be hot, sweaty, and gross so you shouldn't have to worry too much on the clothes factor. The solo cup thing is so true. It doesn't matter where you are, there will most likely be those cups. When people see you with this in your hand, most first reactions would be that you have alcohol in them, but that's not true always. Also, i love when fans get involved in the cheering aspect of the game. It makes it so much more exciting when everyone is bouncing around and yelling.