Thursday, August 28, 2008

Saira Shah, Longing to Belong

Saira goes through experiences that I cannot imagine going through. Her entire wedding experience would be a huge struggle for me. From having to have an arranged marriage to it lasting for fourteen days, Saira must have been a lot stronger than I am. By standing up for herself, Saira proved that she did not have to do anything she did not want.
This story to me showed independence women can demonstrate in the real world. They do not always have to be in the shadows of their husbands or families. They can stand up and fight for themselves. When people go through hard-hitting times they feel as though they cannot believe in themselves if no one is there backing them up. In this case, Saira had the comforts of her aunt by her side. Even though it went against traditions in her family, Saira stood strong on what she believed.
The rituals Saira's family goes through are extremely tough and completely different from anything that I or my family does. If my family did these same rituals it would make life so much harder.


rcb's blog said...

i totally agree. i can't imagine going through a wedding that was two weeks long with someone i didn't even want to marry!

Maggie said...

I totally agree with what you have said about the whole women's rights deal. I would probably have not stood up against my family. Saira was a whole lot stronger than I could have been in her situation. I do not think I could have been as strong as her with the whole arranged marriage thing either because I am such a shy person as it is and marrying somone you dont know well would totally send me over the edge. Women's independence is a huge part of the world today and I also believe that we should not have to be shadows of a husband or our family. We are our own person and can think for ourselves!